Battlefield Effects

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All weather, remote controlled Battlefield Effects system.
TACT is able to offer a wide suite of Battlefield effects to provides realistic theater of war scenarios, adding additional stress and disorientation to the training audience. While TACT’s laser or radio-frequency based training systems allow for very sophisticated weapon training, visibility on the ground is only achieved through battle and weapons effects. Utilizing rigorously tested Pyrotechnic effects, TACT is able to support a variety of training scenarios including IED Awareness, MOUT, Force on Force, Force on Target and ManPADS exercises.

Our Battlefield Effects solutions are able to simulate tank firing, anti-tank weapons, ground-to-air missiles and artillery guns. Furthermore, they may also provide hit effects, including air and ground bursts, tank kills and APSFDS hits. Rapidly deployable, our systems include 16 – 32 shot options, may be remotely controlled and detonated by Observer Controller Trainer’s in the field, are rapidly reloadable, and built for use in all-weather conditions.

The range of TACT’s Battlefield effects solutions is extendable to meet the needs of the training audience.


Some examples of our Battlefield Effects Equipment, showing the flexibility available:


Please email us for more information: